UniCredit Executive Vice President & Head of Group Credit & Integrated Risks

Davide Bazzarello was born in Chioggia (Italy) on November 15th 1973. After graduating in Economics at Bocconi University in 1997, Davide started his professional career in Federazione lombarda delle banche di credito cooperativo working in the consultancy division and dealing with regulatory reporting and risk management. In 1999, he moved to Banca Popolare del Commercio e dell’Industria as market risk analyst. In 2000, he joined UniCredit covering different roles and responsibilities within the Group across several geographies and covering different types of risk. In 2015 Davide took the responsibility over Risk Management Italy, reporting directly to the Chief Risk Officer Italy. In his function he was responsible for the governance and the control of credit risk for the area of responsibility of the Italian perimeter. Effective from November 1st, 2016 Davide is head of Group Credit & Integrated Risks, reporting to The Group CRO.

Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2019
Data Conferenza
25-06-2019 alle 14:15 Parallela D - I sistemi informativi di governo della redditività risk-adjusted