EBA - European Banking Authority Head of Banking Markets, Innovation and Products Unit

Slavka Eley joined the European Banking Authority in 2013 and currently leads the Banking Markets, Innovation and Products Unit, which is responsible for the EBA work on financial innovation, digital finance, capital market union and sustainable finance. As part of her current role, she leads the EBA project team on sustainable finance. She represents the EBA at European and international working groups, including the FSB Financial Innovation Network, the European Commission’s Platform on Sustainable Finance and Basel Committee’s Task Force on Climate Risk.

Over the last several years, she has chaired different working groups at the EBA such as Network on Sustainable Finance, Sub-group on Risk Assessment Systems, mandated to develop the common European supervisory framework, and the Sub-group on Supervisory Effectiveness and Convergence.

Prior to joining the EBA Slavka worked for the National Bank of Slovakia as the Head of Supervisory Division for Banks with Advanced Risk Management Approach responsible for supervision of all large banks in Slovakia.

She holds a MBA in general management from the City University of Seattle and a Master degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Comenius University Bratislava.


Conferenze edizioni passate

Edizione 2021
Data Conferenza
22-06-2021 alle 09:00 Plenaria di Apertuta I parte - Le crisi e le ripartenze: nuove sfide per regolatori e Istituzioni finanziarie